1.) New layout. This unoffensive blueness has to go. It sends a message of complacency and mediocrity that I can't tolerate for much longer. See that border up there? I was hoping to replace it with some sort of epic mural - preferably of jets bombing an already burned-out city populated solely by renegade militia and the zombified corpses of members of the Green Party. If you have suggestions, get back at me.
2.) Coherence. I got some flak over the summer for not staying on-mission with my posts, and indeed, I often did vigorously depart from the promised political/pugilistic format of this blog. I'm sorry for entertaining you. I'll be sure to stay on task. I also heard a lot of you complaining that you didn't get all of my references. It's called an internet. There are literally billions of them. Install one on your computer and use it for informations.
New Content:
1.) Mail Call. I feel like this thing might get old without feedback. So, I'm un-hiding my e-mail. I encourage, nay, beg you to send me your feedback, along with any ideas, questions, etc. I'm hoping to have a recurring (hopefully periodic) Q&A post, where I field questions or suggestions from you groundlings (I'm looking at you, Bob). In the interest of security and lulz, I reserve the right to censor your letters or even replace them with better ones.
2.) Presidential Kombat. This project fell on its face (and was subsequently deleted) for two reasons: First, it was unbearably onerous to administer. Second, no one was pushing Reagan up with me, while Woodrow Wilson actually got a vote. I'll hopefully bring it back in March, but I'm planning on implementing a simple bracket system, as opposed to a ladder. To seed the bracket, I will employ a select panel of judges (me) to deliberate behind closed doors some time next month. This will run concurrently with March Madness.
Also, here's a portrait of Jean-Luc Picard:

It's from an article on Breitbart contrasting the leadership of our president and Captain Picard which I somehow didn't write. I just want to point out now that I began the coming trend of nerd-culture political journalism.
I'll be back in February. In the meantime, I have to go to war with Breitbart with bottles and chains. The line must be drawn HERE!
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