First: "Do you think the Secret Service/FBI/DHS would consider this blog a threat on the President's health?"
Gee, I hope not, although it's flattering to think that my little blog could strike such terror into the West. In fact, I have no intention of engaging the President in fisticuffs, and I don't actually bear the man any ill will at all.
This blog is just a long-running project to make one of my close friends eat her words. So while the bout between myself and the President is highly hypothetical, the battle with my ex isn't. Moreover, this blog isn't even intended to be a critique of Obama's presidency, although I'm sure I'll have a critical word for him from time to time. He's the center of global politics, so I'm bound to have my misgivings now and again. It comes with the territory.
Second: "I don't get it. If you don't hate the President, why am I reading this? What's this blog 'about?'"
Well, you would know if you read the answer above, dumbass. But to be more specific, this project is more or less all of the following things (in no particular order):
1) A way for me to burn some time this summer.
2) A means of keeping my ass going to the gym, so I can reverse the mole-person transformation effect that law school has had on me.
3) A forum to air my political grievances.
4) A general nerdery, wherein all manner of radness are discussed and debated.
With that said, let's keep our eye on the prize: becoming Jason Bourne.

Later today: I weigh in.
Jason Bourne. YES PLEASE.
ReplyDeleteAlso, sweet potatoes (NOT yams) are an excellent superfood for the poor student-type.
And again, dear god, Jason Bourne, dear god.