Physical Challenge
I've had no change in my weight - it's been a full fat->muscle transmutation. Six trips to the gym in seven days, weights were lifted, miles were biked. There have been no major physical milestones, but I'll post them as they come.
I have, however, completed a the Bonus Physical Challenge: Communing with Nature. Photo documentation and writeup are forthcoming.
Mental Challenge
I'll finish Warped Passages this week, and pick up Sun Tzu after that. However, I'm kind of at a loss about how to proceed. Anyone with great book recommendations, I'm all ears. In particular I'm looking at something on politics or economics, but really anything is in bounds. However, I'd prefer non-fiction, unless you have some particularly brutal or awesome literature in mind. (Yes, I've read Hamlet and Macbeth more times than is healthy.)
Cabinet Appointment: Department of the Interior
In the interest of protection the natural bounties of America, I've appointed perhaps the greenest possible candidate as the Secretary of the Interior: Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage.

He may be purple. He may be an elf. He may wear leaves and shit. But he may also shapeshift into a bear with fireclaws and manually remove your spine through your rectum. I know this pick may scare a lot of people. The Archdruid is about as radical as it gets, but I figured an appointment like this would satisfy, if not one-up those Whale Wars hippies.
Malfurion plays for keeps. Polluters beware: if you so much as litter, this man may emerge from his 10,000 year slumber to slaughter the entire lineage of your people before burning your bodies and much of the planet into fine black ash. He makes Captain Planet look like New Jersey.
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