Thursday, June 11, 2009


I almost didn't post this since it was incredibly obvious, but my pick for Secretary of Homeland Security is John McClane.

Now, I'm not so sure what makes Janet Napolitano so qualified for the position (I'm pretty sure nothing), but her outright inferiority to Mr. McClane can't really be questioned. Simply put, Ms. Napolitano hasn't put in over 30 years as a detective with the New York and Los Angeles police departments, and she has absolutely no idea what a TV dinner feels like.

Mr. McClane has single-handedly thwarted numerous terrorrist plots, besting Alan Rickman and Jeremy Irons in the process. Given his blue collar appeal, his support from the conservative wing is strong, and he's practically a deadlock for the liberals, since as far as I know he's never even touched an Arab, and kills whites almost exclusively. He's never had much administrative experience, but his years of on-the-ground experience have helped Mr. McClane develop a style of leadership that could be described as any of the following: "rugged", "hard-boiled", "rough and/or tumble", "shoulder-to-the-wheel"...the list goes on.

Plus, in the words of Proposition Joe, the man has more bodies on him than a Chinese cemetary.

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